Your garage door opener's chain is one of the numerous items on your garage door that require routine maintenance, cleaning, and adjustment. A loose garage door chain typically creates noticeable noise as your door opens and closes. You may hear banging or rattling, as well as the sound of the door opener's motor struggling against the slack drive chain.

These symptoms can be frustrating, but they're more than just an annoyance. The slack chain can cause excessive wear on parts of your garage door opener, wearing out far more expensive equipment. In most cases, tightening the chain will resolve the problem, but what happens if you notice your drive chain loosening with a frightening regularity?

Why Do Garage Door Drive Chains Need Adjustment?

Most residential garage door opening systems are relatively straightforward. In most cases, a motor will drive a chain that ultimately tensions the springs on the garage door, allowing it to open and close automatically. The chain provides the mechanical linkage between the motor and the door's spring, making it a critical part of the system.

The chain needs enough tension to transmit mechanical energy from the garage door opener but not so much tension that it creates additional wear on the internal garage door opener components. However, a slack chain can also create slippage and produce additional wear. Chains often slacken due to regular usage, although other issues may cause a loose chain.

When Should You Worry About A Loose Chain?

If you've never noticed your garage door chain causing problems before and you notice the symptoms of a slack chain, you can usually start by following the instruction in your owner's manual to tighten the chain. Garage door chains are similar to chainsaw chains in that they need to be relatively tight but still have a small amount of slack.

As long as the chain remains tight and the symptoms don't return, you likely do not have any further issues with your door. On the other hand, a chain that continually loosens may be an early warning sign of sprocket or gear failure in your garage door opener. Continuing to tighten the chain can put more wear on these already failing components.

What Should You Do If Your Chain Won't Stay Tight?

If you notice your door chain going loose relatively soon after tightening it, contact a garage door repair expert for further inspection. You may need to replace components in your opener or the entire unit. In some cases, the issue may be with the chain. In particular, older chains can stretch out and wear, making it too difficult to tension them properly.

Whatever the case, you should avoid continually tensioning the chain since you may potentially damage other components. Calling an expert will help ensure you understand the underlying reasons for your loose chain and fix it without causing any additional damage. For more information on garage door repair, contact a professional near you.
