Your garage door plays an extremely important role in protecting your belongings and tying together the exterior design of your home. However, like all exterior surfaces, your garage door will slowly degrade over time. This is compounded by the fact that it consists of multiple systems that are constantly under a great deal of stress in order to open and close your garage door on a daily basis. Fortunately, there are a handful of different things that you can look out for to determine when your garage door may require a replacement.

Loud Noises

The first warning sign of an older malfunction garage door that you are likely to notice is the presence of loud and unpleasant noises while the door opens and closes. Screeching, banging and vibrating sounds can indicate damage to the torsion springs, tracks, or the chain that physically lifts and lowers the garage door itself. All of these components are essential to the proper operation of your garage door: their age and deteriorating condition indicate that you may be overdue for a replacement, which will be able to function much smoother and will not represent a safety risk.

Operating Difficulties

In a related vein to the above point, an even clearer sign that your garage door has reached the end of its life is if you have trouble operating it. Doors that do not open or close all the way, move slowly while doing so, suddenly stop and start, or experience a handful of other issues associated with the operation of the door all represent a door that is no longer reliable. Not only is this a massive inconvenience if you are in a hurry, it also means that your door is more likely to leave a gap when closed or is at higher risk of slipping and slamming shut.

Insulation Issues

Another reason to think about replacing your current garage door is if you find that the interior rooms of your home that are near your garage suffer from uneven temperatures throughout the year, reducing their overall comfort level. This can indicate that your garage door is not well insulated enough to maintain a proper seal against the weather, allowing temperatures to seep inside of your home where they can increase the stress placed on your central HVAC system. Installing a new garage door can maintain a comfortable temperature within rooms bordering the garage throughout the year, while also cutting down on your utility costs.

Contact a garage door repair service for more help.
